Sunday, February 2, 2020

Significance Of Training And Development In Employee Retention Research Paper

Significance Of Training And Development In Employee Retention - Research Paper Example Development of employee capacity can also include involvement of employees in developing organizational policies (Shields 2007). It promotes goal ownership among the employees and reduces overreliance on the management regarding the accomplishment of day to day tasks. Johnson (2001) observes, people usually desire to have autonomy in their day to day activities, which is significant in encouraging them to remain in the organization. With such empowerment, democracy is established in the workplace whereby the employees' views are taken into consideration and integrated into to the organization’s strategic plan. Employees are allowed to attend and contribute to significant meetings, which makes them feel desirable and appreciated and hence feel that they are part and parcel of the organization (Colling 1995).Career Development McConnell (2003) argues that provision of up-to-date training and development opportunities to employees enhances their value in the labor market and henc e increased career mobility. This positively affects their job security since they keep in mind that their skills are in line with the current demand for human resources within the organization. The employees’ security comes from the realization that they remain equivalent with employees in other organizations. Competent employees view stagnation in a particular position as a potential cause of redundancy thus they stay in the organization where career development is guaranteed (Startups 2006).... The employees’ security comes from the realization that they remain equivalent with employees in other organizations. Competent employees view stagnation in a particular position as a potential cause of redundancy thus they stay in the organization where career development is guaranteed (Startups 2006). How Training and Development Increases Revenues and Productivity Empowerment Strategies for training and development empower employees to accomplish tasks effectively. The need to continuously acquire knowledge is important especially for the constantly changing business environments (McConnell 2003). Schrader & Lawless (2004) observe that new technologies that require skilled workers can not be applied if an organization fails to train its employees. The alternative is to hire skilled workers, which is a move that might be costly for the organization especially in the long run due to the constant technological advancements and market changes. Capacity Building Workplace learni ng involves constant skills upgrading to help employees improve their performance. Coaching is among the workplace learning strategies that are focused on giving the employees additional skills to improve their competence. For example, when new employees are engaged in a company, they usually possess some skills but have little experience in the organizational operations. Coaching them is necessary to improve their knowledge regarding the organization. It helps them to apply the skills acquired through studies in real practice (Colling 1995). The result is usually positive and the employees can perform better, thereby increasing productivity among the employees. Coaching motivates the weaker employees to perform better and also facilitates the

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